Monday 12 May 2014


Universal Studios Singapore

Universal studios Singapore is the second places that i want to visit because this amazing places give me a lot of inspiration and motivation. From childhood i 've been watching cartoon on TV, i just imagine that the cartoon is real but with this places a lot of character of cartoon they produce to make lively and enjoyable situation.

Sesame Street Character
Look at cute and adorable!! love this character of Sesame Street..i just want to snap picture with all those cartoon character.

Roller Coaster
What do you think about it??  yeahhh!! i want to play this about 1000 round..hahaha...till vomit..
this is amazing and i don't want to miss this chance.

Map of Universal Studios
As we can see, large of this places that consist many section like Madagascar, New York, Hollywood and so on. Every part of the section have their own identities.

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