Friday 21 March 2014


Guten Tag! 

Welcome to Germany... \(^_^ )/  hooray..!!
1st of all i'll introduce this country as short as compact. HEHE 

Germany is called Deutschland. this country have 16 states and its capital and the largest city is Berlin.

Berlin is Germany's largest city and is the second most popular city and the 7th most popular urban area in the European Union. 

Germany is popular with their fantastic places like their building, culture, cuisine, houses and mores! i'm too excited to bring you all know more more interesting part in Germany. Let go! 

Hotel Meininger
Bright, Colorful and Cheap! this is the hotel which we would like to prefer right?? this hotel is near the Berlin Airport. This hotel also can be found in London, Amsterdam and Vienna. This hotel is great for everyone ~ families, business travelers, and backpackers. this hotel is crazy affordable! A single room start at just 15 and of course the WiFi is totally free!!!

Music Hotel

this is the one of unique hotel in Berlin. it's more too music and lifestyles. the structure of this hotel is quite unique and urban. 

Most luxury hotel

I will just dreaming to stay here..huhu  to exclusive places and i'm not affordable to have it even the rich people also being there for once for ever ahhah....this places filled with millionaires, billionaires, and other naires...

Days in Deutschland!
Brandenburg Gate
Brandenburg Gate ~ ( German: Brandenbuger Tor) is a former city gate, rebuilt in the late 18th century as a neoclassical triumphal arch and now one of the most well-known landmarks of Germany. This arch is totally amazing! 

Berlin Book Tower

Nice places to be for readers ^_^ fell more bookish and excitement. this places are full with interesting building and a lot of book to be search here! lot of amazing SCULPTURE of books..

In the building lot of book sculpture that was display that made from different country. Creative and lots of meaning if we truly examine it. 

Berlin TV Tower

Berlin TV Tower which 203 and 207 meters high that you can look out over the entire city with its large number of tourist attractions. With almost 1.2 million visitors every year! the Berlin TV Tower is one of the most popular attraction for tourist in Berlin.

Here we go...after find the hotel, walking around Berlin, but we must not forget to try delicious Germany cuisine!  It is a well-known fact that Germans appreciate vigorous, well-prepared, well served foods. In fact, German cuisine impresses every person who has a great craving for nice food. 

Most popular cuisine in Deutsch is SAUSAGES! tummy starts groaning for the food =D
many people preferred the sausages as their breakfast and also the bread. BUT!! not all the sausages we can eat here because most of it made from pork which Muslims cant eat those cuisine. (o.0)' 
DON'T WORRY!! in Germany still have Halal food restaurant and also cafe. Many Muslims immigrate to, many people starts to provide HALAL food. =)

Zam Zam ala kazam...HUHU..this is the one of halal food restaurant in Berlin that provide food Turkish style and this restaurant is more to Arabic food from Pakistan. The menus is like kebab, satey, nasi beriani, bread and mores.. =)  

Simple Learning Deutsch

Well ya..simple words to learn from this beautiful's very easy i think you will be attractive to learn..check it out!

Guten Tag ~ Good day
Guten Morgen ~ Good morning
Guten Abend ~ Good evening 
Guten Nach ~ Good nite

most simple right? haha..

Continuing your learning by visit :

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